Syngenta Photography Award 2015 exhibition moved to Brasil

Syngenta Photography Award ‚Scarcity-Waste‘ exhibition has been moved to Brazil.

The first show will open in São Paulo on 23rd June at the Centro Cultural de São Paulo.

The details are:
Exhibition open – 24 June – 26 July
Venue: Centro Cultural de São Paulo

The project team is also working on final details with venues in Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte. 


Violated landscape at Prague Photo 2015

Violated landscape serie was featured at Prague Photo 2015:

– 3 photographs was part of exhibition of Institute of creative photography, Opava

– overall serie was exhibited at ThaliaPicta section

– 3 photographs have been sold to private collector!



My very first gallery

I have launched my very first gallery – Tomas Chadim gallery.

Gallery is located in the centre of Prague, Národní street 35.


It is small „no-door“ gallery, but it is mine 🙂

I will show my photographs in big print formats. That is exactly what I needed. My photographs must be printed and must be seen in big sizes because of details on photograps.

There will be also one place for one my guest available. My first quest is Milan Kristufek. CZ with one photograph from serie „Natura Universum“.







Violated landscape part of Syngenta Photography Award 2015 exhibition in London

My work will be featured as part of the Syngenta Photography Award 2015 exhibition.

The exhibition will take place in Somerset House, London from 11 March – 10 April 2015 and will feature the work of 40 photographers in addition to the 6 finalists of the award.
I succeeded among 2000 entries to the competition and my photograph is a part of final exhibition selection.

Pavucina-Everest copy

Violated landscape – one of the best portfolios in Bratislava

The project Violated landscape has been choosen by reviewers as one of the best portfolios within the official portfolio review (as a part of photofestival Month of Photography in Bratislava, 2014).

The Best of PORTFOLIO REVIEW 2014:

(look at 14:20)

Jindřich Bišický – photographer of the 1st World War

My barchelor thesis about Jindřich Bišický is available under this link:


Bez názvu27




The discovery of Jindřich Bišický as a first world—war photographer became a sensation. Nevertheless, information about his life and work are scattered across various resources (in the form of individual public relation messages for the exhibition, television and radio interviews with the exhibition authors, military historians, magazines and other periodic freely available online or in archives).
The first goal of this thesis is to consolidate all available information about the life and wok of the photographer Jindřich Bišický into one compact memoir. The second part of this thesis aims to put the work of Jindřich Bišický into a historical photography context of the first world war period, inevitably making comparisons to other world-wide photographers of that time. The last part will briefly introduce other Czech photographers of the WW1, that remained unknown until now.
Key words: Jindřich Bišický, 1st World War, war photography, Czech war photographers.